The Three Main Causes of Disease in Ayurveda
Ayurveda cites three main causes of disease. I find these very interesting and helpful. However, I feel I need to have a disclaimer. The intention here IS NOT to place blame or guilt on someone who is ill. Is it to help guide us in our daily lives and avoid or mitigate certain actions.
1) Prajῆāparādha: “Crimes against wisdom.”
When you ignore your intuition or past experience. For example, you know something is not good for you, but you do it anyway. Restraining your natural urges also falls under this category. (Natural urges: sneezing, coughing, crying, laughter, urination, bowel movements, hunger, sleep, etc.) “Crimes against wisdom” is cited as the most common cause of disease.
2) Asātmendrīyarthasaṃyoga: “Unwholesome attachment of senses to their objects.”
Habitual under-, over- and misuse of your senses. For example, staring at a screen for too long would be overuse. Not being touched enough is an example of underuse. Listening to disturbing news is an example of misuse.
3) Parinama: “Seasonal influences.”
Changes in climate, season or strange weather. This can also include the seasons of life. These are the main causes.
Others causes of disease include:
Gara visha: “slow poisoning” from the environment, toxins in food, drugs and bad food combining. This can be emotional as well.
Karma: Disease can sometimes be attributed to past lives, past actions or actions of our ancestors. For example: Your grandmother could have been exposed to a toxin, making you genetically predisposed to a disease.
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