Apana Vayu: The Energy of Elimination
Many of you are familiar with the three Doshas: Vata (Air + Space), Pitta (Fire + Water) and Kapha (Earth + Water). However, did you know that each Dosha is broken down into five subdoshas? One of the subtypes of Vata is Apana Vata, also known as Apana Vayu. Apana Vayu rules over elimination and should be flowing down and out. Many people have disturbances in Apana Vayu and it is moving upward in the wrong direction. This energy can be disturbed in the Fall as Vata increases.
Apana Vayu’s home is in the pelvis. It regulates elimination of urine, feces and menstrual blood. It also is responsible for fertility and childbirth. Signs of Apana Vata disorders are constipation, diarrhea, menstrual problems, urinary issues, osteoporosis, lower back pain, pain during sex or menstruation and issues with sex drive or fertility. Apana Vayu moving upward instead of downward is a Fight-Flight-Freeze response and is linked to anxiety.
Since Apana Vayu is one of five forms of Vata, pacifying Vata is the way to balance Apana. Favor Vata pacifying foods that are warm, well-cooked and moist. Avoid cold, raw, dry, airy and crunchy foods which aggravate vata. Calm your nervous system by walking in nature and with meditation and gentle yoga.
Squatting is a great way to move Apana Vayu downward. (This is why a Squatty Potty works for aiding elimination.) If you take my Yoga Classes you will notice that we do a lot of squatting poses this time of year. The best pose for moving Vata down and out is Goat stance or Ajāsana.
Read my Fall Recipes Article to balance Vata.