Āma: Toxins In the Body
What is Āma?
When Agni (digestive fire) is unbalanced food is improperly digested forming Āma. These toxins form a sludge clogging up the GI and may move to other areas. Āma can be a one-time occurrence, such as overeating a rich meal at a Holiday. However, if the digestive system is habitually weak and food remains inadequately broken down on a regular basis, Āma can become chronic. Āma causes inflammation. Ayurveda considers chronic Āma is responsible for all disease.
What are the Causes of Āma?
Unclean foods like FLUNC (Frozen, Leftovers, Uncooked, Nuked, and Canned).
Processed food, exposure to toxins.
Eating too much or too frequently.
Eating too little or excessive cleansing.
Incompatible foods. Some examples are: Fruit with other foods (like smoothies), meat/fish with dairy, fruit salad, ingesting cooked honey, etc.
Excessive or lack of sleep.
Intake of food or drink when there are intense emotions.
Bathing or swimming after meals.
What are the Signs of Āma?
White coating on tongue
Gas, bloating & heavy feeling in GI
Bad taste in mouth and/or lack of taste
Constipation (Not having one full bowel movement daily.)
What Can You Do?
Schedule an appointment to find out:
If you have Āma.
To learn about an Āma reducing diet and lifestyle.
Find the right herbs for you to eliminate Āma.